Competitive Intelligence questions to NATS Strategy Analysis and Development manager
This article is the fourth in a series. We talk to Henry Leoni, Manager Strategy Analysis and Development at NATS, providers of air traffic services within the UK and beyond. In this series, we ask people we respect within Competitive Intelligence eight pertinent questions. At the end of this series of questions, we will analyse the answers and publish a report. So onto the Competitive Intelligence questions to NATS Strategy Analysis and Development manager.
1. In your view, what’s Competitive Intelligence?
The systematic collection and objective analysis of information on a business’s market environment (competitors, customers etc.) to enhance that business’s competitiveness
2. In your view, what’s the true benefit of CI?
Greater awareness of competitive gaps
3. How would you advise a company with no experience in Competitive Intelligence to get started?
Many guides etc. describing how to get started. Use consultants to support a specific project and thereby get the awareness of what can be achieved. Most importantly, remain open-minded and not be biased by one’s own capabilities
4. What analytical tools do you recommend?
Basic: SWOT, if done correctly, can be very powerful. Win/Loss analysis
Intermediate: Competitor Price/Cost Analysis
Advanced: Analysis of Competing Hypotheses, Business Model Canvas / Value Proposition — these are really strategy tools but can be very insightful if applied to competitors
5. Competitive Intelligence is becoming too much about risk mitigation, copying the competitor and the last dataset. And not enough about growth, exploration and creation. It can stop people from being original, risky and creative enough. Do you agree?
Yes. CI needs to be done in the context of strategy.
6. Without giving away anything confidential, what’s the best result you have achieved with CI?
Competitor price analysis / Price-to-Win can yield spectacular results. After losing two bids on price to a particular competitor, we have generated enough intel on their cost structures to now beat them every time.
7. Artificial Intelligence and platforms will transform CI, and there will be no need for human input in the future. The longevity of the job of a Competitive Intelligence analyst is limited? Do you agree?
From what I’ve seen, AI can have a significant impact on Intell collection from on-line sources. The real value add provided by the analyst is the interpretation and the subsequent recommendations — I can’t see AI replicating that
8. Finally, what’s the one piece of advice you would give a CI analyst?
Remain objective — don’t get influenced by what your client wants to hear.
Competitive Intelligence questions to NATS Strategy Analysis and Development manager
In this article, we spoke to Henry Leoni, Manager Strategy Analysis and Development at NATS, providers of air traffic services within the UK and beyond. At the end of this series of questions, we will analyse the answers and publish a report.
What is Nats?
NATS is the leading Air Navigation Service Provider in the UK. They handle over 2.5 million flights across UK airspace and the North Atlantic every year. Provide air traffic services to and work in partnership with the UK military, 14 UK airports, airlines, aviation authorities and governments in over 30 countries
About Octopus Intelligence
Octopus is a Competitive Intelligence and Strategy consulting firm focused on creating certainty, insight, competitive advantage and significant growth for clients operating in disruptive and traditional sectors.
When you need to win more business, have greater certainty & when you just need to beat your competitors, we answer the questions when you just need to know.
We live in an uncertain, competitive and ever-shifting world. So it’s reassuring that we have your back and leave no rock unturned to answer the what and the how, the now and the next. Using our real-world experience
we provide certainty with excellent global Commercial Competitive Intelligence and Corporate Investigation services.
We offer a boutique feel with a big business capability and real global reach. Trusted by brands, middle-market players, investors and start-up innovators.