Key player intelligence questions
This article presents a regularly updated key player intelligence questions to assist you creating your own. Great questions are the best way to create great intelligence. However, it’s not just a case thinking up a smart question to catch all about a competitor or market. You have to guide the decision maker to take action.
Key people related intelligence questions
- Who are the key people in the marketing and senior team?
- What are the competitors approach to capturing physician’s loyalty?
- What are the competitors’ culture and style?
- Who do they collaborate with(research labs, universities etc)?
- Who are the risk takers?
- Which sales people bring in the most business?
- What are the management personality profiles?
- How do they perceive us? Our strategies and tactics?
About Octopus Intelligence
Octopus is a global Competitive Intelligence service company. Answering the questions you need to answer to help you grow.
We help you beat competitors, increase sales, be disruptive, enter new markets and invest with more certainty. As Competitor Analysis and Market Intelligence consultants, we offer Strategic Intelligence. Competitive Intelligence, and Due Diligence.
We understand we live in an increasingly uncertain, competitive and ever-shifting world. And what you need is an active real-world business development strategy.
UK based Competitive Analysis consultants with a global client base. Offering Competitive intelligence-based growth-focused actions. To answer the what and the how for the now and the next.
This a picture of a group of people writing on a see through planning board for an article called key player intelligence questions by Octopus Competitive Intelligence consultancy for Competitor Analysis.